World Stroke Day | Know the Signs and Symptoms of a Stroke


Every forty seconds, a person has a stroke in the United States; worse yet, every 4 minutes, someone dies from a stroke in the United States. If we know and recognize the symptoms of a stroke, we are better able to ensure the stroke victim’s survival. Time is so critical for the patient, call 911, seek assistance immediately, save a life, and ensure the quality of life.

For information regarding preventing a stroke, click here.

Did you know that one in four people is at risk of stroke in their lifetime? That’s why on World Stroke Day, we want to encourage you to learn the signs and symptoms of Stroke. The easiest way to recognize the symptoms of stroke is to remember the acronym BE FAST.

Is there a loss of balance?
Is there a vision change in one or both eyes?
Is there facial weakness, drooping or an uneven smile?
Is there arm numbness or arm weakness
Is there slurred speech, difficulty speaking or understanding?
If any of these symptoms are present, call 9–1–1 and get to the hospital immediately.

Courtesy FB/LifeNet

Courtesy CDC

The CDC has some pretty interesting information that can help motivate you to improve your lifestyle and reduce your risk of suffering a stroke, click here to learn more.

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