Find Relief From Holiday Stress


Stress happens throughout the year, but it can increase during the holiday season. While attending events, shopping, and visiting family and friends, many find that the holidays can bring as much stress as joy. But there are ways to ease through the season.

To help make the most of your festivities, use tips to manage stress and make your holidays brighter.

  • Manage your time.
    Set aside specific days for shopping, baking, connecting with friends, and other activities. List what needs to get done and stick to the plan as best you can.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
    When you can, remove yourself from the source of stress and give yourself a breather.
  • Get exercise.
    Physical activity is a great stress reducer.
  • Learn to say no.
    If your stress comes from taking on too much, learn to set limits. Instead of going overboard trying to please others, take time to care for yourself. Ask others for help when you need it.