Celebrate National Radio Day With Us


Courtesy Pixabay

It’s the Greatest Day on the Calendar.  Well…for us…and other folks who have made our lives and jobs in Radio.  It’s National Radio Day.  Where would we be without the radio?  Where would you be without the radio?  Just think of all the memories you have that are tied to something you heard on the radio.

Courtesy of Pixabay

And just think, the first radio broadcasts began in the 1920s.  That’s not that long ago.  A hundred years ago no one had a radio.  Now you can find one anywhere.

Courtesy of Pixabay

The history of radio is fascinating even for people not employed in the radio.  It’s filled with discoveries and innovations by ordinary people you probably have never heard of and some you have.

Courtesy of Pixabay


Find out more about the history of radio.  To get you started check out this website.   https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-radio-day-august-20/

And if you know of any radio DJ’s you like.  Be sure to wish them a Happy Radio Day today.

Courtesy of Pixabay